Skeins Away (Emma Field)

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Animal Toy
Start your own collection of critters with a Cube Penguin!
Crochet: Animal Toy
Cube dinosaurs are known for their ferocious ROAR.
Crochet: Animal Toy
Cube snail is lovely and squishy, but never slimy!
Crochet: Animal Toy
Start your own collection of forest critters with a Cube Fox!
Crochet: Animal Toy
These cute little sheep are made with a bobble stitch. They look great in any colour, and double as a fun stacking game!
Crochet: Animal Toy
Start your own farmyard with a cuddly cube pig!
Crochet: Animal Toy
Start your own undersea collection with a cuddly cube octopus!