Lauren Ruff

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cozy - Other
This looks great with a battery operated tea light inside. Use it to store your hooks or needles, or get a soap dispenser lid or other canning jar lid alternative to fancy up your home.
Knitting: Cowl
A cozy but lightweight accessory for fall and winter. This easy cowl makes a great gift!
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This quick accessory is great for chilly weather and makes a lovely holiday gift! Pair this with the ‘Quick Faux Fur Cowl: Sirdar Alpine Version’ for a cozy winter set.
Knitting: Cowl
I recently picked up a copy of the Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible by Hitomi Shida and fell in love with it! Shortly after that I was given a skein of lush dark purple-blue yarn by Nicole from Medusa Yarn and Fiber and I knew what to do with it. I picked pattern number 19 from the book and knitted up a cowl I absolutely adore. Of course, I didn’...
Knitting: Cowl
Made with one skein of 2 different colors of yarn.
Knitting: Pillow / Cushion
I didn’t block the final result. If you do decide to block it you will need a larger pillow form.