Luisa Williams

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cardigan
This cute, soft and fluffy baby round neck raglan cardigan is knit from the top down with two yarns held together, on US size 8 (5mm) needles. It features decorative yarnover increases, an i-cord edge without buttons and optional daisy lace collar attached at the end. The pattern for the lace collar is included, for more adventurous knitters.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
I designed this hat for a friend who feels the cold in NYC. It knits up very quickly with chunky yarn, and is super warm and cozy. It features a classic 2x2 tubular cast on edge, that is doubled over and a stockinette crown, with simple decreases. It is a beginner knitting pattern.
Knitting: Cowl
This cowl pattern is knit in the round on circular needles, and is suitable for beginners. It is knit inside out and then turned the other way so that the slipped stitch join features on the outside. You will need to know how to knit, purl, cast on in the round, slip stitches with yarn in front, purl 2 stitches together.
Knitting: Scarf
This super easy scarf pattern is knit flat on US size 6/4mm needles and features a neat double icord edge, simple to create but giving a lovely finish, and uniform stripes, keeping your little one cozy on cold winter days!
Knitting: Cowl
This cowl pattern is knit in the round on US size 10 (6mm) DPNs.
Knitting: Cowl
This cowl pattern is knit in the round on US size 15 (10mm) circular needles or DPNs for the adult size and US size 10 (6mm) circular needles or DPNs for the child size.