Maud Jordan

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Pet Clothing
This is a quick and easy viking hat designed for a rat terrier head size. I thought it would be funny to make a viking hat where the dog’s ears were the horns. I think it will fit dogs with floppy ears, but I don’t know. It could probably be adjusted to fit bigger/smaller dogs, but it probably won’t work for a big dog. The hat is an ‘I’ shape w...
Knitting: Chart
This pattern is 62sts x 39st. I was looking for a color-work bison pattern, and when I didn’t find one, I knew I’d just have to make one myself. I won’t pretend I’m good at this, especially compared to some of the people on here, but I hope someone else gets some use out of this as well. This is my first real pattern, so constructive criticism ...