Holly Barcelo

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Purse / Handbag
I had a lot of fun designing this pattern. I loved finally being able to use the Trig pounded into my head years ago. Once I realized with this pattern that you’re knitting along the Hypotenuse, I knew what I had to call it.
Knitting: Scarf
I designed this pattern because I hate cutting and rejoining yarns to do colorwork, and I dislike scarves with a “right” side. This scarf is equally pretty from either side, and the only cutting you do is when the project is finished.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
I wanted to make an interesting Fair Isle hat and while deciding on a pattern, decided to do a celtic knot of sorts. Hence the Fair Isle hat in the style of the “Green Isle.”
Knitting: Cup / Mug
This is a cute, quick pattern for a cozy with 2 I-cord handles. The two handles side by side give the cozy more stability so that you can, if you wanted pick it up by the handles. It’s a good last minute gift and simple to knit; the only thing that makes it not ‘dead easy’ is that you have to knit it in the round.
Crochet: Bag - Other
This is a great “Night Before” project, as it usually takes less than an hour from start to finish. The size of the pouch as I designed it works perfectly as a money pouch, but it also holds my cell phone and camera beautifully.
Crochet: Bedspread
Coming up with a name for this blanket wasn’t terribly difficult, because it’s all about the color! If you want something to show off to people, but you don’t want to go crazy with different stitches and intense patterns, this is it.