Coranda Berry

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Scarf
I knitted my scarf out of mystery yarn, given to me by my Gran and cast on during a showing of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”. The yarn reminded me of the colour of space, hence the name. I call this “The Galaxy Scarf” for short.
Knitting: Headband
This pattern is designed for beginner knitters - you only have to know how cast on, do a knit stitch and bind-off. There is a bit of seaming, but you cover it all up so it doesn’t have to be neat at all. I designed it for a kit and would be delighted if you wanted to share it with anyone. Especially if you teach someone how to knit with it!
Knitting: Electronics Cozy
My OH asked me to knit him a laptop case with an Apple logo in it - before I knew it, I had designed one for him and created an interactive pattern for a case to fit any rectangular object.