Meghann Holcomb

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Vest
Sometimes a yarn is inspired by a design and sometimes a design is inspired by a yarn. This pattern as inspired by this pretty pastel pink yarn I found at a local store. I wanted something girly, but interesting to knit that my 4 year old might actually wear! Perfect for fall, winter, and spring this vest is a great layering piece!
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
I have a deep love of outrageous, loud and beautiful handpainted sock yarns. Unfortunately, those intense color combinations don’t look good on sweaters, so I knit a lot of socks! To me, those look the best on plain stockinette socks. This pattern may be called “Plain Jane”, but with fun colorways, your
Knitting: Ankle Sock
Knitting: Soakers
Easy to use cloth-diapering soaker pattern written in 5 sizes.