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over 12 years ago

thank you for donating the proceeds to such a worthy and awesome cause.

over 12 years ago

I agree with mixedberry23, THANK YOU for donating to Special Olympics!!! I do the Polar Bear Plunge for them every year…usually raise over 5k every year :)

over 12 years ago

Such a great cause :)

over 12 years ago

A beautiful pin, and an even better cause! I can’t wait to stick it on my design project bag so that I can share about how much fun this community has, AND how much good they do!

over 12 years ago


over 12 years ago

Have the pins shipped yet?

over 12 years ago

My pin came this morning. Could’t believe how quick it arrived.

over 12 years ago

these pins are sturdy and very attractive. with a nice clean finish that looks good with any bag i’ve pinned it on.

over 12 years ago

This is a comment rather than a review, I’m afraid, but I don’t know where else to post it….

Due to there being a void where my cash-stash ought to be, I had to pass on a pin this time around, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the Ravelry crew for donating to the Special Olympics. The Paralympics got great support and coverage in London this year - and rightly so - but the Special Olympics so often just seem to be the butt of jokes and I’m getting tired of having to explaining to people that these athletes train hard, too, and achieve personal bests in competition, too. It’s soooo lovely hitting a positive vibe for a change!

over 11 years ago

Dear Ravelry Crew and all of the supporters who bought the badge of glory – please know how grateful we are for your support! The funds you’ve contributed will go a long way to help us reach more athletes, training coaches, competitions, and trainings. Through the joy of sport lives are transformed - thanks to your generosity more Special Olympics athletes will have a chance to build confidence, feel accepted, live healthier lives, be a part of their community. You make that possible. THANK YOU!

Olga Woltman
Special Olympics