Sarah Dunster

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Headband
I wanted a headband that was shaped from narrow to wide so it wouldn’t be too bulky at the back of my head. I liked the idea of one type of cable flowing into another one and once I’d finished my second test headband, I thought it looked a little like a hopscotch game, hence the name!
Knitting: Poncho, Shawl / Wrap
Knitting: Scarf
This lace panel scarf is a lovely piece for between seasons. I designed it more for decoration than warmth, and is especially nice to wear in temperate climates.
Knitting: Cowl
I’m not a fan of longggg scarves…they take too long to make and feel bulky to wear. I wanted something that looked great, was easy to wear and most importantly, easy to knit. This is a super easy cowl design that you can use as a starting point for your own ideas.