Sarita Kotkavalkama

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Knee-highs
Näden sukkien kuvioihin saa uppoamaan jämälankoja hyvinkin paljon. Ohjeen koko on 37/39 joka on yleisin kengänkoko Suomessa naisilla.
Knitting: Knee-highs
Sukat, jotka sopivat vaikka jouluksi tai ystävänpäiväksi.
Knitting: Knee-highs
Tällä sukkamallilla osallistuin ET-lehden 2018 sukkakisaan, mutta sijoitusta ei tullut taaskaan.
Knitting: Knee-highs
I designed these socks on a cold winter day in March 2018, so the name of the socks comes from the timing but also from the cold colorworld of the socks. The turquoise and petrolium parts are made with leftover yarn the same strength as the black and the white.
Knitting: Knee-highs
NOTE! If you want/need a pattern in English, please send me a message.
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Size is easy to adjust.
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Easy and fast to knit. Size is also easy to adjust.
Knitting: Softies - Other
If you need a hug, you have to knit Huggiemee. You can use yarn left overs to knit this cute creature, you need yarn only 60g per color.
Knitting: Dress
Dressie is cute, easy and fast to knit. Also pattern is easy to fix if size is not fitting (And in that case I’m happy to help you.)
Knitting: Coat / Jacket
First of all: I’m sorry about a bit blurry pics. For some unknown reason I just can’t get a good shot (I’ve tried ten times maybe). Anyway, Underworld looks difficult but actually it’s easy to knit. You don’t have to purl any single stitch!