Stephanie Seufert

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
The Big Bold Brioche Toque is a quick and fun, super bulky toque knit with two colors of your favourite super bulky yarns. In the samples I have used both Cascade Magnum and WATG Crazy Sexy Wool. If you have a stash of super bulky yarns or you’ve held on to scraps from previous projects, this is the perfect time to have fun with those scraps.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Kelly’s Shawl is a dense, luxurious triangular shawl with simple textures to bring out the beauty of your favourite Indie dyed yarns. Whatever your colour or speckle preference, a combination of linen and garter stitches makes for the perfect colour play! While it is one size, the pattern is easily adjustable to your preference. A satisfying kn...