Tami Hawes

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This is the fingering weight version of the Number Play worsted Shawl. It has a different ending and uses a picot bind off.
Knitting: Cowl
I had the thought “What if someone bought the kit, but didn’t want fingerless mitts?” The kit yarn is so deliciously soft, that of course someone would love to wear this close to their neck. So using all the yarn in the kit, start from one end and join in the second ball. You could stack the colors, or blend them as I did.
Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
The pattern was designed for the Fierce Fibers Gradient Kit, but if you do not have the kit and a 100 gram skein of DK yarn, divide in half. Half for the cowl and then divide in half again for two 25 gram balls for each mitt.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Four stitch markers