Tonya Wagner

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Sleeveless Top
NOTE: If you downloaded your pattern on May 28, 2009 there is a problem with the increase row. The current PDF is correct. The file name of the correct PDF is Acerola.1.pdf.
Knitting: Vest
Please note: the magazine contains adult and baby versions of the pattern. When you are buying the PDF, you are purchasing the adult version only. The baby sizes are coming soon!
Knitting: Scarf
This is an excellent scarf for beginners, and provides easy knitting for more advanced knitters that need a break between complex projects. The 100 percent alpaca yarn is soft and luxurious. The scarf is lightweight; because alpaca is warmer than wool (and hypoallergenic, since it does not contain lanolin) you receive maximum warmth with minimu...
Knitting: Shrug / Bolero
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Knitting: Beret, Tam, Beanie, Toque
I used to spend every Monday night listening to live
Knitting: Beanie, Toque