Tsukeeno' s

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Softies - Other
Crochet: Softies - Other
Crochet: Toy Food
This is a written pattern but it also has a chart for the increases, so you can see how they are.
Crochet: Softies - Other
We will make 3 plane diamonds and then sew them together to make the Plumbob
Crochet: Softies - Other
I used felt to make the eyes, but you can embroider them with yarn directly to the amigurumi or crochet them.
Crochet: Animal Toy
The legs and the body are crocheted together.
Crochet: Animal Toy
To make it this size you’ll have to use a 1.00 mm crochet hook and a very thin thread.