Mynx Designs

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cowl
This pattern uses a gorgeous luxury yarn, Noro Nadeshiko (40% angora, 39% wool, 21% silk), OR Zealana Tui (70% New Zealand merino, 15% New Zealand cashmere, 15% brushtail possum) yarn.
Knitting: Scarf
This pattern uses a gorgeous luxury yarn, Noro Silk Garden or Silk Garden Lite (45% silk, 45% kid mohair, 10% lambswool), bordered with a touch of warm, soft Zealana Kauri (60% merino, 30% possum, 10% silk) yarn.
Knitting: Vest
This pattern uses a gorgeous luxury yarn, Zealana Kiwi 4ply/fingering weight (40% New Zealand merino, 30% organic cotton, 30% brushtail possum fibre), bordered with a contrast in the same yarn.
Knitting: Vest
A sweet vest for warmer weather!
Knitting: Scarf
This pattern uses a gorgeous luxury yarn, Zealana Tui (70% NZ merino, 15% NZ cashmere and 15% possum fibre).
Knitting: Booties
A pattern for a set of four (or whatever you like) baby booties in Noro Silk Garden Yarn. You can knit the set of 4 in the smaller size from one skein of Silk Garden - and if you do a matching (or mismatching!) colour for the sole, you’ll also get the larger size from one skein.
Knitting: Booties
These are not ordinary booties for ordinary babies! A beautiful gift.
Knitting: Booties
These are not ordinary booties for ordinary babies! A beautiful gift.
Knitting: Pullover
This pattern uses a gorgeous luxury yarn Noro Silk Garden Sock (40% lambswool, 25% silk, 25% nylon, 10% kid mohair), bordered with a touch of soft merino 4-ply yarn. The lambswool offers warmth while the silk gives the garment a lovely lustre. The nylon adds strength to the yarn and the kid mohair offers light warmth and extra softness.
Knitting: Scarf
This pattern uses a gorgeous 100% yarn (Noro Kureyon), striped on the diagonal with soft, warm merino possum yarn and with 8ply 100% wool edging and tassels.
Knitting: Scarf
This pattern uses a gorgeous luxury yarn Noro Silk Garden (45% silk, 45% kid mohair, 10% lambswool), bordered with a touch of soft merino possum yarn.
Knitting: Scarf
This pattern uses a gorgeous luxury yarn (45% silk, 45% kid mohair, 10% lambswool), bordered with a touch of soft merino possum yarn.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This pattern uses a gorgeous luxury yarn (45% silk, 45% kid mohair, 10% lambswool), bordered with a touch of soft merino possum yarn.
Knitting: Scarf
Knit a gorgeous warm 100% wool scarf - no two will ever be the same!