BFL Beauty from At Bullard Farm

BFL Beauty

from At Bullard Farm
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
438 yards
(401 meters)
100 grams
(3.53 ounces)
US 2 - 3 or 2.75 - 3.25mm
70% Wool
20% Silk
10% Goat - Cashmere goat
soft and shiny

If you love MCN- the softness, the squishyness - you will love this combination more. It is a new yarn base to At Bullard Farm, highly anticipated and boy did it not disappoint! The softness, the shine, the sheer luxury of it!! It also takes colors very beautifully, each of the fibers slightly differently so the combined effect is rich and a great depth of color. Fantastic for shawls but possibly also for a really luxurious pair of socks! A super versatile yarn!

I would recommend a US 2 or US 3 needles size but really you can use anything from a US 2 - US 7 depending on the gauge needed or desired.

I would recommend Hand Wash