Silk Mink Cashmere Merino Batts from Sericin Silkworks

Silk Mink Cashmere Merino Batts

from Sericin Silkworks
56 grams
(1.98 ounces)
50% Silk
17% Other Animal - Mink
17% Goat - Cashmere goat
15% Wool - Merino
spinning fiber

Subtly natural tawny brown, these hand blended luxury fibers, consist of mink and cashmere, both of which will give your finished yarn a soft bloom. Organic merino lends a little body. And of course, silk lends sheen and its own softness. Blended in 12 layers, 3 passes, these batts are homogenous, but not too homogenous so you’ll still get a subtle variation in your yarn without compromising ease of spinning.