Yak Merino from Shangdrok

Yak Merino

from Shangdrok
Sport (12 wpi) ?
328 yards
(300 meters)
100 grams
(3.53 ounces)
50% Other Animal - Yak
50% Wool - Merino
  • 50% Yak down fiber, 50% wool

  • 300 m/ 100 g

  • Recommended needle size: 3.5 mm - 3.75 mm

If you are an animal fiber lover, you don’t want to miss this yarn.

Yak down fiber is famous for its softness, and is even more breathable than sheep wool. However it is not particularly light-weighted and its fiber is very short. Thus this combination of fiber content keeps all the wonderful characteristic of a wool yarn: full of warmth and elasticity, while adding even more softness and breathability.

The dye on this yarn base is saturated and deep in color.