Beads and clusters tea cosy by Lynne Barkas

Beads and clusters tea cosy

March 2015
DK (11 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
4.0 mm (G)
4-cup tea pot, approximately 20cm high and 48 circumference
This pattern is available for £3.00 GBP buy it now

This design looks equally good worked in one solid colour or with pattern rows or features in contrasting yarn, but the texture of the 4-row pattern is quick and easy once the special diagonal cluster stitch is mastered. Inexpensive ‘pony beads’ were used to create the decorative topper of ‘stalks’. Additional beads were used as embellishments at the ends of the threaded drawstring, whilst a ruffle finishes the lower edge.

Gauge is approximately 8 rows and 9dc to 5cm. The finished cosy is 25cm wide at the lower edge and 21cm from top to bottom edge, excluding the ‘stalks’.

A 100g ball of double knitting should be sufficient for completing one cosy.

Any beads used should have a large enough centre hole through which to thread the DK yarn. The ‘pony beads’ used in the illustrated example can be reasonably purchased from craft stores and online suppliers.