Betula Sweater by Soomin Ahn

Betula Sweater

May 2023
yarn held together
+ Lace
= Fingering (14 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
in yoke pattern
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
1225 - 2439 yards (1120 - 2230 m)
(1, 2, 3) 4, 5, 6 (7, 8, 9)
This pattern is available for $10.00 USD buy it now

Inspired by the massive Black Birch (Betula lenta) tree, the Betula Sweater is a top-down, circular yoke pattern using a twisted-knit pattern in the yoke and sleeves and an interrupted garter pattern in the body. Starting with a provisional cast-on, the neck band is knitted double-length and folded over, then joined with the cast-on stitches for a folded neckband, and the yoke increases are begun. German Short Rows lift the back of the neck and deepen the front to provide a comfortable fit. The yoke is knitted until the sleeve separation, where the sleeves then rest on waste yarn and the body is continued. Once the body has been knit, the sleeve stitches are picked back up and knit, and the garment is finished seamlessly.

Sizing (#sizeinclusive):
- Sizes (1, 2, 3) 4, 5, 6 (7, 8, 9)

  • Body circumference:
    • (100, 110, 120) 130, 140, 150 (160, 170, 180) cm
    • (39.25, 43.25, 47.25) 51.25, 55, 59 (63, 67, 70.75) inch

Detailed schematics in photos

Sizes 7, 8, and 9 have not been tested, and I am not comfortable with profiting off these sizes. If you would like to knit the pattern in these sizes, please reach out to me and I will provide the pattern for free!


  • DK weight
  • Sample uses woollentwine Thrive in the colorway Rye

Yarn requirements:

  • (1120, 1210, 1350) 1450, 1570, 1700 (1950, 2090, 2230) m
  • (1230, 1320, 1480) 1580, 1720, 1860 (2140, 2280, 2440) yd
  • Est. (4, 4, 4) 5, 5, 6 (6, 7, 7) plates of Thrive by woollentwine


  • 4.0 mm, or US 6, for the main fabric, or a needle size that allows you to match gauge
  • 3.5 mm, or US 4, for hemline ribbing, or a needle size 0.5 mm less than your main needle
  • 3.0mm, or US 2.5, for neckline ribbing, or a needle size 1 mm less than your main needle


  • 20 stitches28 rows for 10 cm10 cm or 4 inch4 inch in yoke pattern (in the round) on larger needles
  • 20 stitches for 10 cm in body pattern (in the round) on larger needles
    • It is important to wash and block your swatch the same way you will treat the actual garment.
    • Row gauge for the body pattern does not matter as much, as you will knit until your desired length, but row gauge for the yoke pattern does matter for a good fit.


  • 1 stitch marker
  • Clip-on markers to count rows
  • Extra yarn/stitch holders to rest stitches on
  • Darning needle to weave in ends