Icelandic Hat WG08 SO09 by Elizabeth Zimmermann

Icelandic Hat WG08 SO09

Out of print. This pattern was available for $3.00.

One of 6 EZ hat patterns in Spun Out #9, “A Horde of Hats”, originally published in 1973 as Wool Gathering #8. Available from Schoolhouse Press. Link to Spun Out page at Schoolhouse Press.

Elizabeth writes: “This hat is best made from our imported Icelandic wool, used doubled. Shape and texture are typically Icelandic, with slightly more sophisticated top-decreasing. Patterns are faintly Bohus in appearance. Lower and upper half are of different colors, and are blended by beautiful patterns of knitted, purled, and slipped stitches in different colors. The rarely come out the same, and we recommend that you invent your own patterns; using the following as a guide only. The more odd wools and colors you have in our wool-drawer, the better the patterns will be. Double, thribble, or split the wool to attain the proper thickness. Each round takes just over 2 yards.”

MATERIALS: 2 oz. 2-ply Icelandic wool, a 16” circular needle of a size to give you the above GAUGE, a set of 4 needles, same size, for the top. Link to yarn at Schoolhouse Press.