February 13, 2014
March 5, 2014


Project info
Nuvem by Martina Behm
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 10 - 6.0 mm
100Farbspiele Unikatwolle 4-fädig
24 yards in stash
0.98 skeins = 1168.2 yards (1068.2 meters), 294 grams

Notes include Skein weights throughout, dimensions, Notes on Yarn, knitting experience and mods (increases)

Weird day. Finished a sock and then out of nowhere came the urge to begin a nuvem. I hope I won’t curse myself later for this excursiveness.

  • 13.02.2014: Cast on, 25g/300g
  • 14.02.2014: 47/300g, 1. change of color
  • 15.02.2014: 78/300g, 2. change of color
  • 16.02.2014: 101/300g, 3. change of color
  • 17.02.2014: 106/300g, 4. change of color
  • 18.02.2014: 118/300g, around 700 stitches per round
  • 19.02.2014: 135/300g, 5. Change of color
  • 20.02.2014: 153/300,
  • 21.02.2014: 160/300, 6. Change of color
  • 23.02.2014: 174/300
  • 24.02.2014: 194/300, 7. change of color
  • 25.02.2014: 202/300, 8. change of color 3g per round, 816 sts (145*2+8+2+12+42*12) -> 42 = number of sts between beginning of round & first marker = number of increase rows
  • 26.02.2014: 216/300
  • 27.02.2014: 230/300 - Started ruffle with 72.9g left. Last pre-ruffle round: 852 sts on needle, 3.75 g. 9. change of color.
  • 28.02.2014: 236/300 - 5.7 g for increase round
  • 01.03.2014: 251/300 - each ruffle stockinette round: 7.25 g
  • 02.03.2014: 267/300
  • 03.03.2014: 276/300 - reached final color change. 24 g left after 6 rows of stockinette, will add a seventh and then cast-off.
  • 04.03.2014: 290/300 - Started Bind off with 16.2 g left
  • 05.03.2014: 294/300 FINISHED! 6.2 g left Washed, will need to weave in ends and cut those little threads were the color changes.

Amount of Yarn I needed for my ruffle: 66.7 g, I added an extra row, so 59.5 would have sufficed too, so the patterns suggestion to start the ruffle with 20% yarn left would have been on point for me, but others said they needed more yarn with the 100Farbspiele (see the projects I marked helpful), so I was more careful.

Gauge (washed): 20 Sts * 44 Rows =10 * 10 cm (4”)
Final measurements: 1,64 m * 60 cm


The yarn has no wool content, 50% cotton and 50% acrylic. It feels nice though. It’s soft, doesn’t itch (of course) and it has a nice drape to it.
I love the colors A LOT, which is a pleasant suprise. I bought the yarn 1.5 years ago and fell in love with it instantly - MY colors. If you look at my profile, I stated that my favorite colors are “red, violet and anything in between” which is everything about this yarn. So I got it and when I unpacked it I was a little disappointed. I found that both the first and last color were too blunt, the red too red, the purple too blueish. So the yarn lay there for 1.5 years. Until the day I just randomly decided to knit a nuvem with it - I’m glad I did. It compliments the yarn nicely and knitted up - it’s what I expected it to look like when I bought it online.

The Yarn is not plied so you have to be a little careful to catch all threads, not the best “blind knitting” but it didn’t bother me a lot.


Knitted to pattern, except that I used M1R & M1L for the increase “spines”, backwards loop for the ruffle though. I don’t know what the advantage of that method is, for me it’s a tiny bit holey which was okay for the ruffle but, hmm, don’t get it!
Other than that, it’s to pattern though I started the ruffle earlier due to some notes here on rav using the same yarn. Could have started ruffle 2-3 rows later though.


I thought this would make me crazy, but it didn’t. It was a really pleasant knit, I enjoyed it a lot. Just always kept a scale close, so I could see my progress better.
I got confused after the cast-on, didn’t understand what needle to start with. But basically, if you try it out, there’s only one way. It’s the needle where the working thread is hanging from!

Update March 2015

I uploaded a new picture showing the difference in size to a “normal” nuvem ( 315g wollmeise lace skein)

viewed 773 times | helped 7 people
February 13, 2014
March 5, 2014
About this pattern
6513 projects, in 2852 queues
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About this yarn
by 100Farbspiele
50% Cotton, 50% Acrylic
205 yards / 50 grams

3834 projects

stashed 2494 times

virelai's star rating
  • Project created: February 13, 2014
  • Finished: March 7, 2014
  • Updated: March 7, 2015
  • Progress updates: 17 updates