Camila Larsen

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Pullover
Pay what you want
Knitting: Cardigan
Paga lo que puedas
Knitting: Shrug / Bolero
Personaliza Aestas a tu medida: bolero o chaqueta, es tu decisión. Mediante la combinación de bloques de diferentes tamaños, puedes tejer tantas versiones como desees. Cada prenda que hagas será una experiencia única.
Knitting: Pullover
Pay what works for you
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Pay what works for you The price shown on Ravelry is the value that reflects all the work and time put in this project. However, I understand that it might not be accesible for everyone, that’s why you can use the following coupon codes and pay what you can afford.
Knitting: Pullover
Pay what works for you The price shown on Ravelry is the value that reflects all the work and time put in this project. However, I understand that it might not be accesible for everyone, that’s why you can use the following coupon codes and pay what you can afford.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Pay what works for you The price shown on Ravelry is the value that reflects all the work and time put in this project. However, I understand that it might not be accesible for everyone, that’s why you can use the following coupon codes and pay what you can afford.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Pattern is published both in English and Spanish now.
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Knitting: Pullover
Pay what works for you The price shown on Ravelry is the value that reflects all the work and time put in this project. However, I understand that it might not be accesible for everyone, that’s why you can use the following coupon codes and pay what you can afford.
Knitting: Cowl
Conjuro está tejido en punto brioche. Mi objetivo fue diseñar un patrón que combinara tres elementos que le den profundidad a la técnica: hacer trenzas, aumentos y disminuciones simples. Piénsalo como una posibilidad de practicar, un entrenamiento para aventuras más complejas.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Pay what works for you The price shown on Ravelry is the value that reflects all the work and time put in this project. However, I understand that it might not be accesible for everyone, that’s why you can use the following coupon codes and pay what you can afford.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Pay what works for you The price shown on Ravelry is the value that reflects all the work and time put in this project. However, I understand that it might not be accesible for everyone, that’s why you can use the following coupon codes and pay what you can afford.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Pay what works for you The price shown on Ravelry is the value that reflects all the work and time put in this project. However, I understand that it might not be accesible for everyone, that’s why you can use the following coupon codes and pay what you can afford.