Emily Hooyer

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Ball
About this Pattern
Knitting: Kerchief
My second head kerchief design.
Knitting: Kerchief
A very easy pattern using only garter stitch to create a simple but effective and attractive head kerchief.
Knitting: Afghan block
“I may have lost my heart but not my self-control”
Knitting: Afghan block
In 2013 I made the goal of designing one afghan square per month in honor of a different Jane Austen Character. July’s edition is that steady hero Edmond. Happy Knitting!
Knitting: Afghan block
In 2013 I made the goal of designing one afghan square per month in honor of a different Jane Austen Character. July’s edition is that steady hero Edmond. Happy Knitting!
Knitting: Afghan block
Edward is a simple man, one that desires nothing more then a simple life.
Knitting: Afghan block
For the month of May I designed the square around my favorite Austen Character Eleanor Dashwood.
Knitting: Afghan block
Month 4 of of the Jane Austen Afghan project.
Knitting: Afghan block
The third installment of the 1 square a month campaign of 2013!
Knitting: Beanie, Toque, Headband
The companion hat to the Shot Through the Heart Mitt. It sports a large, heavily cabled brim that is worked separate from the body of the hat. Choose to make a headband or hat either way its a stunning and warm addition to your winter wardrobe.
Knitting: Afghan block
The Second installment in my year long quest to design one 12 x 12” square per month in honor of Jane Austens’ beloved hero’s and heroines.
Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
These mitts are stunning and sexy hugging your wrist and hand like a lover. The cabling and lace details that echo arrow designs.
Knitting: Afghan block
In 2013 I made the goal of designing one afghan square per month in honor of a different Jane Austen Character. January’s edition is for that enigmatic hero we all love: Darcy.
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
I’ve been looking for an easy sock pattern to knit while out in the wild. The requirements were: stress free, no heel worries, light weight and easy to memorize. So I set out to design my own.
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
I designed this pattern while backpacking over some pretty tough ridges here in Alaska, so I felt the name to be quite apropos.