Jessica L'Heureux
eBooks available as Ravelry Downloads

eBook :
5 patterns
Each of these designs was inspired by the characters and world created by J.K. Rowling in her Harry Potter series. All names and references to the intellectual property of J.K. Rowling are tribute only. She owns everything “Harry Potter”. No copyright infringement is intended. Collection features two toe-up and three top-down women’s sock patterns. Instructions are BOTH written and charted for ease of use.
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cowl
Does it feel like life’s challenges are coming at you from every angle and your head is on a swivel? Breathe. It’s time to employ some battle focus. See one challenge at a time, complete the task, and move on. You’ll accomplish much more, with less stress.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
We all learn differently, but few can escape the efficiency and effectiveness of demonstration. Guyvahnna is the not so ancient art of visual demonstration and instruction via video conference – very effective for knitting techniques across continents and oceans.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
We all hit the wall from time to time, but the problem is never the problem – How you handle the problem is. Adjust your angle of attitude and you will soar over any hurdle. Here’s to always keeping your chin up and your head warm!

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Few things will test the merit of a sailor like a schooner race. Hot, cold, wet, dry, fast, slow, windy and still, the ocean hands out so many tests in extremes. Let this wool hat be your trusted friend wave after wave to the finish line and beyond, to the lobster bake on the shore afterward!

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Some people are generous, others do generous things. And then, there are the rare few who that define generosity. Keiko is one of those. She knits for others. And not just one or two projects, no, she knits literal mountains of hats which she donates, bringing color, love, and warmth to those who need it most. My hat’s off to you Keiko.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
There is no place like home, and after a long journey, there’s nothing quite like the warm glow of a porch light to welcome you into the open arms of family and sanctuary.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Whether you’re celebrating a bountiful harvest, the marriage of friends, or simply drawing community together, a big barn full of food, drink, laughter and dance rarely fails. Welcome to the Barn Dance. Wear your dancing boots and be sure to bring a warm shawl for that kiss beneath the stars.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
There is a timelessness to the farmhouse; wellies on the mat in the mudroom, braided rugs on the life-polished floorboards, a fire in the woodstove, a mug of tea in your hand, and a three-quarter square shawl wrapped around your shoulder as you stand out on the porch overlooking the landscape.

Knitting: Cowl
Inspired by Scott & John of the “Sweet Tea, No Shade” podcast, this cowl is a quick and easy knit, available in two sizes, and is fully adaptable. Enjoy the changing textures and plethora of color options afforded by working with two strands of fingering weight held together; a perfect opportunity to experiment with marling.

Knitting: Cowl
Madness can look like simplicity if you view if from the right angle. You can become addicted to either. This addictive pattern is actually a little of both: simple to work up using two fingering weights held together with a madly addictive result.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Quiet and discreet, these tree guardians are peaceful in their home trees, but threaten them or take from their homes and you’ll have a fight on your hands. If the Lorax had been as fierce as a Bowtruckle when the Truffula trees were threatened, we’d be staring out at pink, orange, and yellow forests.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Just like bubbles in your champagne, bobbles add fun and texture to this slouchy hat.

Knitting: Scarf
Addiction, even if it is only to fiber, can take a wild path through your life, zigging and zagging you through your days and nights, taking away your perception of what is right(side) and wrong(side) almost magically. This deceptively simple pattern gives you the ability to get really wild with your yarn selection, combining any two fingering ...

Knitting: Scarf
Battling yarn addiction can be a lifelong, yet incredibly pleasurable pursuit. And there is a huge supportive community of yarn addicts ready to support you and a number of patterns available to aid in your stash busting goals. Team up two complementary skeins of your favorite ewe and see what addiction can mean to you.

Knitting: Scarf
Yes, you can, actually. You can have too much of a good thing. It’s called an addiction. But some addictions are better than others. Some addictions can even be put to good use. Team up two of your favorite ewe and see what this stash busting addiction can do for you.

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Your thoughts, attitude and emotions are all communicated through vibrations. Knit with only the best of intentions and experience what good vibrations can do for you!

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
He exudes effortlessness; just makes everything he does look easy – with an understated elegance, of course. Even the way he dresses looks refined, ageless, classy – perhaps even a little dressy, without being fussy.

Knitting: Cowl
Do you feel like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place? Has life got you down? Think it looks like you’ve got nowhere to go and the future seems impossible to navigate?

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Don’t under estimate her. Just don’t. She is so much more than you think. And if you give her a chance, she will exceed all your expectations by far. Nothing can hold her back; don’t even try. Like the women before her, she is a force of nature.

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Are you up for an adventure? Nothing too dramatic, I promise. More of a lawn chair adventure really. See, I’m in the mood for a mystery sock knit along. But this time, it’s all going to be a mystery… even the yarn.

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Are you up for an adventure? Nothing too dramatic, I promise. More of a lawn chair adventure really. See, I’m in the mood for a mystery sock knit along. But this time, it’s all going to be a mystery… even the yarn.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Carved perfect turns in fresh powder with friends all day, and now you’re recapping the thrills and trying not to spill your pint at the local microbrewery. Yeah, you took a wicked header and they all laughed, but you’re laughing last… they’re buying and you’re looking cool in this hat.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Deep in the forest there is a clearing; a place where the sun shines down on a green valley and wild creatures gather to sip from a small eddying stream surrounded by ferns. Magic happens here, and the people who know how to find this secret haven call it Ferndale.

Knitting: Cowl
Energy, water, air, love, and laughter all experience an ebb and flow. The trick is learning how to go with the flow and, oddly enough, it is ultimately the most natural way. It actually takes more effort to strain against the ebb and flow in our lives. Soft, elastic, light and pretty, this slightly biased cowl will accentuate any outfit. It ma...

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Fastest way to get anywhere is by broom, but what if you want to fly to the moon? Simple, grab a Moontrimmer broom and attain previously unimaginable heights and greater success harvesting moonbeams.

Knitting: Cowl
Twisting and turning alongside the equally winding Kancamagus Highway, the Swift River feeds the dense trees whose leaves transform from summer greens to breathtaking shades of yellow and red just as autumn’s temperatures turn crisp. Pull on the Swift River cowl, hop on your motorcycle and wind your way along the river and through the woods.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Any two competitors can become a team and any two teams can become competitors. Want to show support for your team but want something with a little more pizzazz than that logo’d cap and scarf? Worked in garter stitch with simple increases and decreases, you could whip this up while watching the game, and end up with something distinct, classy a...

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Forbidden Forest is strictly forbidden, unless, of course, you’re a giant, centaur, spider, unicorn, three headed dog, dragon, thestral, troll, werewolf, or strictly forbidden yourself. Punishment for entering varies; you might die, get detention, or be escorted out by a wild turquoise Ford Anglia.

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
A flash of fire and a graze of hot wind will confuse you as you languish in your poisoned delirium. But then, crystal clarity from the drop of a single tear, so pure, so healing, your very soul takes flight and shrugs away all confusion and fright. Spread your wings, rise and be reborn.

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
It’s never the one you think it’ll be, but it will always be the one who makes you laugh, is fascinated by what you know, supports what you love, and encourages you to try. It’ll be the one you can be yourself with without fear of judgement, and the one who is their full self with you.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Stereotypes implying weakness can be damaging, especially for trees. Decades of a melancholy cast are sure to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Willows wishing to rid themselves of this emo blight need only whomp any thing or one that thinks them a sad sight. Many whomping willows have gone on to fulfilling lifelong employ in the security fiel...

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
It’s cold in St. Paul in November - really cold. You’ll wish you’d brought your hat kind of cold. Lucky for you, someone who knits loves you. This masculine, reversible, bottom up hat offers “roll it up and stuff it in your pocket just in case” flexibility for the traveling businessman. Oh, and it’s warm.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This scalene shaped shawl will remind you of paddling down the river, coasting along in the white, bubbling slipstream flow between rocks and over shelves into the quiet pools of deep peaceful blue on a sunny afternoon.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Just because I love surprising you and hearing you laugh. I love that you’re married to Roger. You are such a beautiful example of unconditional love and generosity. Look carefully. There are a lot of things woven into this design – your kids, their spouses, your grandkids, and lots of love. Just because.

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Tawny, screech, barn, brown and snowy owls available for sale, along with cages, treats, and related merchandise. You could send your order to us by Owl, if you had one. Eeylops Owl Emporium – suppliers with flighty ambitions.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
“I sat for years awaiting my ship to come ashore, testing the winds and looking toward the horizon. Want was much and need was more, then I picked up the oars. Now, my ship’s ashore.” -JML

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Carol Peletier: A flower? Daryl Dixon: It’s a Cherokee Rose. The story is that when American soldiers were moving Indians off their land on the Trail of Tears, the Cherokee mothers were grieving and crying so much ‘cause they were losing their little ones along the way from exposure and disease and starvation. A lot of them just disappeared. So...

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
There are some things you can just count on – a black eye, a torn-out knee in his new jeans, the frog he forgot in his pocket, and eventually, having to wash his mouth out with soap. Then there are the things you’ll never expect, like the one hat he wears until it wears out (or is lost) that you made for him. Down-sized Salty Dog for the chip o...

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Sticks and stones may make me cry, but it took a basilisk to make me die. If you tolerate sobbing fits and floods, I’ll help you solve the riddles of half-bloods. Left is left and right is right. There’s charts to help you do it right. If you do, you will see, a reflection there will be.

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Quiet, reserved, refined… but does he dance? Of course he dances, when appropriate (or necessary.) Elegantly, actually. Years of dancing around the truth and dodging danger makes one quite graceful… and deceptive. Perfect for any Double Agent, these socks offer grace, flexibility and comfort no matter where your opposing masters have you lurking.

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Where do they think all those ingredients come from – the apothecary? No. All day – tending, toiling and teaching; snares, soil and students. The Potion’s Master knows. He gave me these for my toes.

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Instructing young ones in the fine art of graceful dance can be murder on your feet – just ask the instructor. Nothing like a fantastic pair of hand knit socks, with lacy reminders of the old “one, two, three, four” to keep you on your toes while you dance the night away.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Little rough around the edges and weather worn, but there is a twinkle in his eye. And he’s polite with the ladies, sometimes overly so, until he gets brave enough to ask if she finds salty language objectionable. Depending on how she answers, that twinkle might just become a full-on sparkle and lopsided grin. Thoroughly masculine, with just en...

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Known for causing a burning sensation and filling the drinker with courage, Firewhiskey has helped men and women alike, whether they were rushing into battle or settling in for an evening of hard reflection. Haven’t got any Firewhiskey? Try these. They won’t burn, but they will warm, and they may not fill you full of courage, but they will keep...

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Textural, with subtle scientific slant, the sine wave men’s hat offers even the most stubborn to knit for an attractive, yet intellectually stimulating, source of warmth. This reversible hat even offers styling options. Right-side offers high-texture look, the reverse a low-texture alternative. Fold it, roll it, wear it slouched, this hat is fo...

Knitting: Beret, Tam
She’s smart, stylish and a fierce advocate for those without a voice. Bold, brave and definitely someone you want on your side, Ms. Billey is a friend to the end. This beret makes its statement with Fair Isle and cables. For extra punch, sew on beads and give your owls true vision.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Perfect for Fall, the simple leaf patterning affords a wonderful opportunity to show off your hand painted yarns. Kerchief, shawl or full sized wrap… this surprisingly easy shawl knits up easily to any size you desire.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Deceptively easy and quick to knit, this shawl offers even the beginner knitter an opportunity to “wow them!” Pattern is fully adjustable allowing you to knit up a quick kerchief for chilly early morning walks with the dogs, or a full blown wrap for long walks in autumn’s painted glory.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Lucky? Perhaps. Masculine? Definitely. This reversible hat offers even the most difficult to knit for many options. Right-side offers low-texture look, the reverse a high-texture alternative. Fold it, roll it, wear it slouched, this hat is for every man. High elasticity ensures comfort; no more avoiding hats that squeeze and give headaches.

Knitting: Stocking
Tall, handsome and striped, this short-row shaped stocking cap is the perfect accessory for that unique individual who likes to wear their personality. Part hat, part scarf / neck warmer and all fashion statement, this distinctive piece will not only serve to draw attention, but to retain warmth as well!

Knitting: Scarf
Sometimes you simply need a scarf to complete your look. By special request, this scarf has been designed to coordinate with the Gracie hat pattern. The pattern begins with a lace edge. Stitches are then picked up for the main body of the scarf featuring a wide cable framed with gooseberry bobbles, worked back and forth to half the desired leng...

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Medallions and smocking details give this hat wonderful visual appeal! The main body is knit horizontally and then joined into a circle. Stitches are picked up around the top edge to finish the hat. Brim edge rolls up to show face framing cable. Braid embellishment is optional.

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Does your chilly office still demand productivity? Is it sunny enough for café patio coffee, but just a little too brisk for bare hands? Nancy’s Wrist Warmers solve these problems. Lacy pattern lends style to fingerless function. Alternately knit in the round, back and forth, and in the round again on circular or double pointed needles, the thu...

Knitting: Market bag (slouchy)
Perfect for towels, bathing suits and summer reads for the beach OR cans of veggies, boxes of cake mix and quarts of juice from the grocery, this wash and dry stretchy mesh carry-all is flexible enough for all your needs, and strong enough to get you where you’re going.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This hat fits Teens, Women and Men, as it will stretch to fit head sizes 20-25”. Very simple cabling techniques make this hat look far more complex than it is, much like the wind whipping about, no matter how it twists, it is still just air. The main body of this hat is knit back and forth, then joined into along cast on and bound off edges. St...

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Inspired by Dittany, a magical plant used in love potion making with the curious property of bursting into flames during the summer months, this hat features the flames of Candlelight Lace, and is meant to cover the tiny heads of passions product. Long ribbed brim can be folded up, or worn down to cover little ears when weather requires. An opt...

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Inspired by Dittany, a magical plant used in love potion making with the curious property of bursting into flames during the summer months, this hat features the flames of Candlelight Lace. Long ribbed brim can be folded up, or worn down for a slouchier look. An optional whimsical embellishment of three dimensional flames dangles by i-cords fro...

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This seaside inspired Women’s Hat features a lacy breaking wave motif and sailor inspired enclosed cables. The main body is knit horizontally and then joined into a circle. Stitches are picked up around the top edge to finish the hat, offering knitters another bit of ocean sea spray inspired open work.

Knitting: Pixie Hat
A whimsical gift for newborns and toddlers and a fantastic opportunity to use up leftover yarn. Hat is done in the round on double pointed needles in two colors, finishing with a knotted I-cord. A fun and quick knit for experienced knitters, and a great confidence builder for knitters new to DPNs.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This cozy Women’s Hat features Gooseberry accented cables, creating a feminine scalloped edge while surrounding a modified Ionian cable. The main body is knit horizontally and then joined into a circle. Stitches are picked up around the top edge to finish the hat, offering knitters yet another twist with a decreasing cable stitch.

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Lace, cables and gooseberry stitch, topped with 3-petal bell flowers encircle this cozy, yet stylish and feminine Women’s Hat. The main body is knit horizontally and then joined into a circle. Stitches are picked up around the top edge to finish the hat on double-pointed needles. Embellishment is optional.