Liz Love

Liz Love

I am a mom of two, working full time as Director of Sales & Professional Services for ProdPad (product management software). When I can fit it in around work and home/family, I knit, knit, knit!

I have a pipe dream that I could move into a knitting-related career, encompassing a yarn shop, my own designs, workshops and knitting classes. I know it’s unlikely to happen in real life, but just in case, I’m trying to push my hobby in that direction. Let’s see what happens :).

original designs

Fresh Start
Liz Love's Ravelry Store
Triplicate mitts
Liz Love's Ravelry Store
Liz Love's Ravelry Store
Simply Simple
Liz Love's Ravelry Store
Liz Love's Ravelry Store
  • Mossy
  • Liz Love's Ravelry Store
Liz Love's Ravelry Store