PJ Allen

PJ Allen

I have been married to my high school sweetie since we graduated, he was in the Navy for our first 8 years of marriage, and for the birth of both kids, boy and girl, in that order…they are now grown and we are now grandparents! We are beyond thrilled!

Grandma taught me crochet when I was 9 or 10, Hubby’s Grammy taught me to knit in 1998 or so, but I hated it. Took it up again in 2002-ish. Love the needle arts!

I author a Pretty Knitty blog where I talk about knitting and my pretty knitty life, and I have an Etsy Store, Pretty Knitty Jewelry, where I sold knitting row counters and jewelry, but it’s pretty empty these days… Check out the blog at PrettyKnittyJewelry.blogspot.com if you want to know more about me!

I also paint, dye yarn, play with clay and whatever else I can get my hands on. Apparently I can never have too many hobbies!

My real, in-person name is Pam Sykes. Not sure why I published with a pen-name, but there it is…lol!

original designs

Crochet Doll Cradle/Purse
PrettyKnittyJewelry Designs
Squishy Baby Blocks
PrettyKnittyJewelry Designs
Easy-Peasy Christmas Trees-y Tutorial
PrettyKnittyJewelry Designs
That'll Do Mitts
That'll Do Mitts
Sunny Side Up! (hats for eggs)
PrettyKnittyJewelry Designs
Knit 1, Breathe 1 Shawl/Stole/Scarf
PrettyKnittyJewelry Designs
Mittens with a Flap
PrettyKnittyJewelry Designs

designs from Carolyn Warren and PJ Allen

Racing Hearts
Girlfriends Knitting Designs