Arachnophootia by Jeanine Simonin


October 2015
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 1 - 2.25 mm
350 - 400 yards (320 - 366 m)
This pattern is available for $4.50 USD buy it now

Inspired by my favorite holiday, Halloween.

This is a mid-calf cuff-down sock pattern, featuring cobweb lace cuff, contrasting color for the cuff, toe and heels, with delicate spiders crawling down your leg.

Written for 2 circular needles.

Easy to memorize lace pattern, and the leg works up fast as you count the spiders.

Not a first-time sock pattern, assumes basic sock construction knowledge.

Would love to see your projects, and have them featured.

Errata updated in v2.2:

Part 3, #13 should read:
13. (RS) Needle 2: K across, K all twin sts

Part 3, #14 deleted

Part 5, Row 2 should read:
Row 2: K1, K2tog, K until 3 sts before end of needle, K2tog, K1 Each needle