Calion by Samantha Stadter


no longer available from 1 source show
July 2019
Lace ?
23 stitches and 32 rows = 4 inches
US 5 - 3.75 mm
618 yards (565 m)
one size
Free Pattern also available for free: info in notes
This pattern is available for $2.00 USD
A free version is also available.
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Purl Soho, Cattail Silk, 1 skein
US 5 circular needle
6 Stitch markers
Scrap yarn or stitch holder
Tapestry needle

4”= 23 stitches and 32 rows in stockinette stitch on US 5 needles

Calion is a cropped, split back tank top with a delicate lace pattern along the back. Worked in silk and weighing less than 100 grams all finished up, this top is wispy as heck and perfect for even the hottest summer days.

The top is worked in one piece, seamlessly, from the top down. You’ll first work the wearer’s front left shoulder, then the right, before joining them to finish the upper front. Then you’ll pick up stitches from the cast on edge to work the left back piece down to the armhole, then repeat for the right back before joining all three pieces to work together down to the hem. Shoulders are shaped with short rows.

Because the lace pattern and increases are completely charted, you’ll want to make sure your row gauge is right on to ensure your armhole is the correct length. The pattern is written in one size. A tighter gauge will create a smaller piece, and a looser gauge will create a larger piece. Working a different gauge would be the simplest way to change the size. To make it several inches larger, cast on an additional 12 stitches and work an extra main chart repeat. Keep in mind that will affect how you work your wraps.

You can access the pattern for free on my linked blog, or if you’d like a printable, downloadable version, you can purchase a pretty PDF from my Ravelry shop. :)

Measurements and Modifications
Laid out flat, this piece measures about 36” around the bust. However, due to its open back design, it can fit a wide range of bust and waist sizes.