Cause and Effect Scarf by Sarah Burton

Cause and Effect Scarf

This pattern is available for free.

Pick any yarn (yarns with a halo may yield best resutls), grab some needles that are at least 2 sizes larger than you would normally use, and work up a quick, reversible scarf that will have people guessing at the stitch pattern.

The stitch pattern is a variation of the cascade brioche stitch presented in Nancy Marchant’s Knitting Brioche book. The pattern uses brioche terms and abbreviations as standardized by Nancy in the book.

Thanks to raveler rpolusi for posting the photo that served as the inspiration for this stitch pattern.

Here’s a blog post that describes how to modify the pattern to taper the ends.

2/26/2012 version had a missing p1 in row 6 - please be sure to download the 2/28/2012 version.