Felted Crochet Market Bag by Patrice Walker

Felted Crochet Market Bag

January 2010
Manos del Uruguay Space-Dyed Wool, Color 1`17 (Violet)
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
13 stitches and 7 rows = 4 inches
5.5 mm (I)
one size
This pattern is available from etsy.com for $2.99.

This sturdy market bag is crocheted in the round, eliminating the need for sewing side seams. Perfect for the advanced beginner to intermediate crocheter.

The yarn is a “heavy” worsted weight, 100% wool. It creates a luxurious felted fabric. Be sure to check your gauge if you plan to use a substitute yarn.

Add a lining to the bag and strap for extra strength.