Ganesh chart by Natalia Ignatyeva

Ganesh chart

This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Pattern includes two charts of Ganesh image as well two charts of simple Indian style borders, which can be used in many kinds of bags or home décor projects.
Моreover, it doesn’t include any words - thus it is clear for people of any languages;)

All the pictures are made from square pixels - so, by tapestry crochet you need to use any technique, which let you to avoid “slanting” effect.

The yarn selection is limited only by your mind: leftovers of any fibres, colours, yarn weights are welcome here.

P.S. You’ll find on the pattern pages also a schematic drawing (with all measurements) of the yoga mat bag, which I’ve drawn the chart for.

The pattern is free but I would welcome donations to the Gift of Life Foundations (helping children beat cancer). So, if you enjoy knitting my pattern, please consider helping this very deserving cause.