Lavaca by Samantha Stadter


no longer available from 1 source show
April 2019
Lace ?
22 stitches and 30 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
US 4 - 3.5 mm
900 - 1200 yards (823 - 1097 m)
1 (2, 3, 4)
Free Pattern also available for free: info in notes
This pattern is available for $2.00 USD
A free version is also available.
buy it now or visit pattern website


Purl Soho, Cattail Silk, 2 skeins
US 4, 24” and 16” circular needles
Optional: 1 set US 4 double pointed needles
Stitch markers
Spare needle or scrap yarn
Tapestry needle


4” = 22 stitches + 30 rows in stockinette stitch on US 4 needles, blocked


This top is the breezy, summer piece of my hippy, witchy dreams. Living in a place that regularly gets warmer than 100* in certain months, the idea of knitting a “summer sweater” is usually a joke. UNTIL this one! Worked in a loose gauge with super light silk, this sweater whips up to weigh next to nothing.

The sweater is worked seamlessly, top down— essentially just a basic raglan with big flowing sleeves. Short rows are used to shape the neck before joining to work in the round, down to the armholes, where the body and sleeves are split and worked separately in the round. If you like, you can pick up stitches around the neck for a more defined neckline, or skip it for a looser and slouchier style. You can pick up the sleeves with double pointed needles before switching to the 16” circular needle, or if you’re okay with working over a stretched surface, you can jump in with the 16” needle.

The pattern uses Purl Soho’s Cattail Silk (I used Flower Field Gray). Due to its generous yardage, you’ll only need 2 skeins for any size!
If you prefer a longer size or want to use up all your yarn and avoid leftovers, work the sleeves first instead of the body. Then knit the body until you’ve got only a few yards left and bind off.

The pattern is written for a fingering weight yarn. However, I also knit one up using 4 skeins of Shibui Twig, a DK weight (its the darker version pictured). To account for the larger gauge of the yarn, I knitted the smallest size.

Measurements and Modifications

This pattern is written in four sizes: 1 (2, 3, 4). Please see the diagram below for measurements. Keep in mind the top is meant to be work with a few inches of positive ease.

A (neck): 20 (21, 22.5, 24)”
B (armhole length): 7 (8, 8.5, 9.25)”
C (bust): 37 (41, 44, 48)”
D (arm): 13 (14, 15, 16)”
E (body): 11, (11, 13, 13)”
F (sleeve length): 12”

The pattern is available on my blog for free, or you can purchase a PDF from my Ravelry shop for only $2. ^-^