Little Rascal Baby Lace Vest by Michelle Kupfer

Little Rascal Baby Lace Vest

March 2017
DK (11 wpi) ?
5.5 stitches = 1 inch
in garter stitch
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
275 yards (251 m)
6-12 months
This pattern is available for $3.99 USD buy it now

This adorable little sleeveless cardigan will look great on your baby girl! It is a quick knit, worked from the top down, with increases at raglan shoulder lines and front edges.
Bodice is knit in garter stitch, with a feminine and easy lace border at the bottom edge.
Front edges with a single buttonhole are knit along with the garment, so there is minimal finishing required. You will just need to weave in ends, and sew on your button.
Pattern is clearly written for 6-12 month size, with a finished chest measurement of 20”.

Pattern requires 275 yds DK weight yarn (sample was knit with 2 skeins of Sirdar Rascal DK) size 4 needles (24” circular) for bodice, and size 5 needles, (24” circular) for the body.
Length can easily be extended, for more of a tunic style.
Be sure to purchase extra yarn, if making the garment longer.

Required skills include casting on, knitting, increasing (KFB and yarn over), decreasing (K2tog), and binding off.

I hope that you’ll enjoy knitting this cute little vest, and please post photos!