New Mitered Squares Baby Blanket by Michelle Kupfer

New Mitered Squares Baby Blanket

January 2014
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
4 stitches = 1 inch
in garter stitch
US 7 - 4.5 mm
725 yards (663 m)
24" x 31"
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The New Mitered Squares Baby Blanket is a unisex baby blanket, knit with worsted weight yarn.
It is interesting, and so much fun to knit!

Finished size is approximately 24” x 31”.

This pattern includes clear written instructions for mitered squares, and a schematic diagram.

Materials include 600 yards worsted weight yarn in main color (MC), 125 yards worsted weight yarn in contrast color (CC), and size 7 needles (24-32” circular).

Recommended gauge is 4 stitches per inch in garter stitch.
Exact gauge isn’t critical, but will affect finished size and amount of yarn used.

Sample shown used 3 skeins of Plymouth Encore Colorspun, color 7991/Oceandrift and 1 skein of Plymouth Encore, color 9656/Cadet.

The blanket begins with a single mitered square, and all subsequent squares are attached as you go, using a combination of casting on and picking up stitches.
Upon completion of the main body (12 mitered squares in main color), stitches are picked up along each side of the blanket, and the border is knit onto it, using contrasting color yarn.
There are no seams, and minimal finishing is required.

Required skills include casting on, knitting, decreasing, picking up and knitting stitches, and binding off.

The size of your blanket can easily be adapted by adding more rows or columns of squares - which would, of course, require additional yarn.

I hope that you’ll enjoy knitting this blanket, and please share photos of your finished projects!

Please note that this pattern has been updated as of 7/25/21, and replaces Michelle’s Mitered Squares Blanket pattern.