Party through the (Y)ear by Helen Free

Party through the (Y)ear

March 2006
both US and UK
This pattern is available from for £3.95.

A collection of 15 earrings to celebrate UK festivals and occasions.

Do you know who St Valentine was? Or why the Welsh wear a Leek? Or how the Thistle saved the Scots?

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Each pattern comes with an explanation of the occasion. Although these are UK traditions, many are the same the world over and some can be re-arranged to suit worldwide occasions.

I used DMC Petra Size 5 to make these earrings. It comes in 100g balls and is ever so slightly thicker than a regular size 10, however, it is soft to the touch and has a sheen to it. Petra is interchangeable with DMC Perle which comes in smaller balls or skeins.

The colours I have used, along with the quantities and any additional materials needed for just that pair of earrings are listed with the individual patterns. These colours are just suggestions. Experiment with your own colours for different looks.

Materials: DMC Petra or Perle No.5 in a variety of colours to suit, kidney wires.

Equipment: 1.50mm hook, Needle for sewing in ends.

Tension (UK terms): Using Perle No.5 and 1.50mm hook, 18 dc and 19 rows to 5cm square.

You have permission for items made from any of my patterns to be sold either for charity or personal profit. This does not include mass production and/or paying other people to make them so that you can sell them. Please credit Helen Free, Enfys or Rainbow Valley Crochet with the design, and include a link back to

You do not have permission to reproduce or distribute this pattern, whether mechanically, electronically or any other means, including photocopying. You most certainly do not have permission to load them to another site for your own profit.

All patterns are available in both UK terminology and US terminology. My patterns are not watermarked or locked, apart from a copyright statement at the bottom of each page.

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