Streetcar Mitts by Merry Rubins

Streetcar Mitts

no longer available from 1 source show
March 2017
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
32 stitches = 4 inches
in pattern
US 1 - 2.25 mm
166 - 196 yards (152 - 179 m)
Small/Medium and Medium/Large
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

The Streetcar Mitts are knit bottom up with the gusset stitches for the thumb added as they are knit. The thumbs are completed after the main part of the mitts are bound off. The pattern is the same for both hands and the mitts are reversible.

The Streetcar Mitts is the first in a series of patterns to celebrate New Orleans. New Orleans is rich in history and full of life. I want to share a bit of this amazing city with you.

I would like to thank my test knitters DeniseinLa, knitter2643, and OneStormyKnit for test knitting these fingerless mitts for me.