Tiny Elf Clog Decoration by Ginny Sturdy

Tiny Elf Clog Decoration

December 2017
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 1 - 2.25 mm
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In The Netherlands at Christmas, children leave a shoe out by the fireplace or sometimes a windowsill. They also believe that if they leave some hay and carrots in their shoes for Sinterklass’s horse, they will be left some sweets or small presents. I am not Dutch, but this seems like such a lovely tradition that I thought I would make some very tiny elf clogs containing sweets or nuts to hang on the Christmas tree.

This is a very an easy knit, all in garter stitch, and with one small seam to sew. A pair of clogs only takes about 6g of wool, so it is a great way to use up left over oddments.

You can go to town decorating these little shoes, and I would love you to link your projects, so I can see what you have done. Please see my blog for a few ideas https://ginxcraft.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/tiny-dutch-chris...