Triangle Shawl by Suzyn Jackson Gonzalez

Triangle Shawl

A shawl is a gift of comfort, whether it is for a friend, or, through an organization such as Sheila’s Shawls, for a complete stranger. Since this shawl can be knitted by a group of up to nine people, think of it as a group hug.
The pattern uses a simple lace pattern. Knit in a heavy yarn, it looks like retro macramé, though it’s a lot softer than your grandmother’s plant holder! Knit in a finer yarn, this shawl takes on the intricacies of a delicate spiderweb.
Choose colors that convey your wishes for the recipient—soft blues for calm, purples for introspection, greens for health, or a rainbow for vitality. Just about every tradition, from Wicca to feng shui, assigns meanings to colors. Go with your instincts—or simply ask the recipient what she’d like!