Wildflowers of the Southwest by S. Pendleton

Wildflowers of the Southwest

no longer available from 1 source show
Thread ?
1.25 mm
5 - 20 yards (5 - 18 m)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.


Size 8 (1.25mm) crochet hook
Size 10 crochet thread
Small, sharp scissors
Needle that will accommodate size 10 thread
Embroidery Floss
Needle for Embroidering
Small amount of fiberfill or other stuffing
Tweezers or small hemostat for stuffing
12”long, 5mm diameter chenille stem (pipe cleaner)
Small wire cutters/pliers for working the wire
Elmer’s Clear School Glue or fabric stiffener of choice

Flowers available: Indian Blanket
Mexican Hat
Prairie Verbena
Prairie Coneflower
Scarlet Pimpernel

You may sell the items that you make from these patterns. You may translate the patterns into your language. You may not sell the patterns in any way, shape, or fashion.