Irene Johnston

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cardigan
Yarn used in this design is now discontinued but it is suitable for any aran weight yarn except 100% acrylic.
Knitting: Billed Hat
This is the adult size matching cap to the Daddy & Me Poor Boy Cap. It is an adventurous beginner’s level. The most difficult technique is the “pick up and knit” which can be easily mastered with practice. Just give it a try:)
Knitting: Coat / Jacket, Beanie, Toque
NOTE: The original PDF has been replaced with the corrected version which was kindly ‘professionalized’ by a fellow Raveler.
Knitting: Coat / Jacket
The yarns I used are both discontinued but any bulky weight yarn that obtains the gauge is a suitable substitution. If pure wool is used this coat could be worn in very cold weather.
Knitting: Throw
Please Note: This pattern can be knit in yarns of any weight as long as they are smooth. Needles used depend on the weight of the chosen yarn.
Knitting: Billed Hat
This is an intermediate level pattern but could also be knit by an advanced beginner. The yarn used to knit the original hat is now discontinued but any aran weight yarn would be suitable.