Lori Layne

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Book Cover
This written pattern is easily adjusted for different size books. Changing eye color also changes the finished look. Have fun and enjoy!
Knitting: Afghan block
This is a nice little pattern to help with your double knitting skills and send a message too. Any color will do and if you make enough you will have a great blanket. OR do what I do and donate each square to charity. My charity of choice is
Knitting: Cowl, Bookmark
Any nice contrasting colors will do. Black and White, light purple and dark purple. Light pink and dark pink. Really depends on what colors you like or what you are trying to match. The larger size needles allow this to be a cowl neck warmer. I used a wool mix to keep me warm. I knitted flat and then applied Velcro with a small stitch to keep i...