Cat Bordhi

Cat Bordhi

original designs

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Himalayan Neck Cowl
Cat Bordhi's Ravelry Store
Deb's Crown
Cat Bordhi's Ravelry Store
Zen Garden Capelet
Cat Bordhi's Ravelry Store
Thatzall Straps
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
  • Thatzall Straps
  • Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Project Pouch
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
  • Project Pouch
  • Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Puerta Vieja de Peru
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
A Much-Loved Phone Pouch
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Brickworks Pouch
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Antelope Toes Pouch
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Seeds Adrift
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
  • Seeds Adrift
  • Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Plaited Pouch
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
  • Plaited Pouch
  • Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Monederos Grande y Pequeño
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Smocked Willow Pouch
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Smoosh Simple and Smoosh S'more
Cat Bordhi's Ravelry Store
Smoosh Simple & Smoosh S'more
Dragonfly Pouches
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Dragonfly Pouches
Seeking Sunlight Pouches
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Padre Pouch
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Padre Pouch
  • Padre Pouch
  • Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Isle of Skye Pouch
Cat Bordhi's Collection of Portable Pockets and Small Gifts
Isle of Skye Pouch
Cat's MoMo Cowls
Cat's MoMo Cowls
Circlea & Stripes
Wherewithall Vest
Cat Bordhi's Ravelry Store
Sesame Pulse-Warmers
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Striped Garter Stitch Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Cushy Striped Garter Stitch Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Fortaleza Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Windblown Waves
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Purple Pulsera Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Mountain Gauntlets
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Mountain Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Sesame Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Guadalupe River Gauntlets
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Guadalupe River Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Stash-Buster Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Pure Garter Stitch Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Long Pure Garter Stitch Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Oh, Pshaw! Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Zen Garden Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Short Zen Farmer's Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Elbow Length Fortaleza Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Cabled Cumberland Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Zen Garden Cuffs
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Rainbow Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Rapunzel Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Golden Braid Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Taller, Cuffed Rapunzel Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Youngster's Rapunzel Mitts
Cat's Family of Fingerless Mitts
Mountain Mitts
Cat Bordhi's Ravelry Store
Guadalupe Mitts
Cat Bordhi's Ravelry Store
Color Trickle Sock
Personal Footprints for Insouciant Sock Knitters
Northern Lights
Personal Footprints for Insouciant Sock Knitters
Coriolis Color Stream
Personal Footprints for Insouciant Sock Knitters
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