Jennifer B. Law

Jennifer B. Law

I’m a fashion designer who does clothes, accessories, jewelry and other crafts. I’ve known how to knit and crochet for some time now but only recently have I gone overboard and am addicted to yarn. It’s gotten to the point where I must be working on something when I’m away from home. Anything to keep me busy b/c I can’t sit still. Maybe I have ADD (I think we all do) so this is a great craft for me to do since I can’t drag a sewing machine with me everywhere I go.

I draft patterns from time to time and will share them with the world whenever I get around to actually finishing them (which I have been working really hard on doing >_< ), so please bear with me. Not to say that I use my condition as an excuse but Lupus is a pain in my butt and can make life miserable from time to time. Still, I am a happy crafter and work thru the ups and downs of life.

Dorian Hellfire is my designer name. I came by it while working on a profile for a character I played while role playing on forums we ran for a while. Since then it sorta stuck. Dorian came from “A Portrait of Dorian Grey” in the sense that I totally don’t look my age. Hellfire came from when I was young (around the same time as my role playing days) and was really into the whole “goth” scene and heard about the Hellfire Club. Don’t ask me how I associated the 2. I was a kid, sue me. But from then on, it just became my alter-name. Unlike those that take on a name to be another character, I remained the same and answer to both.

These days, I just work with my real name but, on occasion, my alias pops up. While it is hard to break away from one’s past, one can still work with what they got and keep moving forward.

original designs

Cephalopod Pot
Dorian Hellfire
Simply Simplistic
Dorian Hellfire
Half Baked Brioche Hat
Dorian Hellfire
Ribbed Hand Warmers
Dorian Hellfire
Christmas Tree Ornament
Jennifer Law on Scribd
Quick and Classy Cowl
Dorian Hellfire