Ragga Eiríksdóttir
Ragnheiður Eiríksdóttir I’m the nurse who couldn’t stop knitting. I worked for over a decade in sales and marketing in the pharma industry and alongside as a sexuality educator, author and lecturer. My publications so far include a knitting book Prjóniprjón, instructional knitting DVDs Prjónum saman (Icelandic) and Knit your own Lopapeysa (Icelandic and English) and I also have a knitting class on Craftsy where you can learn to knit a top-down Icelandic lopi sweater. Some of my designs are published directly on Ravelry or in compilation books such as Prjónaperlur and Kúr og lúr. Right now I work as a knitting instructor, designer, author and a part time psychiatric nurse. Contact me at raggaknits@gmail.com if you are interested in my classes or other collaboration.
Craftsy Class: Top-Down Icelandic Sweater

- Top-Down Icelandic Sweater
- Craftsy Class: Top-Down Icelandic Sweater
Knitting Iceland
- Traditional Icelandic three cornered shawl
- Knitting Iceland