HE Pronoun Chart by Katherine Gladhart-Hayes

HE Pronoun Chart

Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This pattern is for adding “HE” to other patterns with color knitting. It’s a great addition to trans pride hand knits. The pattern is worked in stockinette with two different colors. Because the yarn is carried in back, this addition is best for projects like hats, bags, or socks that don’t have to be double sided. Because this pattern is to be added to others, it can be worked in whatever yarn and with whatever needles the other project is worked. Two colors of yarn are required. A crochet hook or yarn needle for weaving in ends is recommended.

This pattern is free to support accessibility and inclusion of marginalized communities in the fiber arts community; if you would like to support my work financially, you can buy me a “coffee” here.