Make-up remover pads by Helda Panagary

Make-up remover pads

This pattern is available for free.

I try my upmost to be environmentally friendly. I try to reuse everything, carrier bags are turned into coasters . Plastic containers are used for storing rice ,pasta, yarn. It was whilst emptying the bathroom bin (oh, the joys of housework)) I realised the amount of make up remover pads we use and throw away. With three girls we use loads of disposable cotton pads, which ultimately means I’m spending alot on these pads

With all the wonderful advances in production of soft cotton yarns of which I have plenty, I decided to make a batch of reusable pads. These pads get softer with every wash. Handwash is best, but I do wash in the machine.I put mine in one of those meshed bags with a zipper used for small things usually socks.

I used a variety of cotton, Rowan’s cotton yarn milk, purelife ,rowan denim, sirdar, debbie bliss dk cotton, sublime’s organic cotton.

Feel free to use whatever yarn you have as long as it’s cotton. It doesn’t have to be done in one colour, it’s a great cotton stashbuster. Make one for every day of the week.If you happen to have someof the coarser cottons they make great exfoliating pads.

I use a smaller hook as I wanted a tighter fabric