Lisa Benden

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Hanging Ornament, Applique / Embellishment
Yes, it is really 238 stitches, I counted!
Crochet: Neck / Torso - Other
The concise version of the pattern has the extra pictures, and notes, removed and is only 2 pages long.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Dragons are the coolest fantasy creatures out there so a shawl that looks like dragon-wings was one of my dream projects for a long time.
Knitting: Electronics Cozy, Cozy - Other
Key cozies! And they look like FISHIES!
Knitting: Ball
Here it is folks, a knitted ball that looks pretty on both ends!
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
I have been a Firefly fan from the very first time I watched it, and “Our Mrs. Reynolds” is one of my all time favorite episodes. I don’t remember the first time I noticed the shawl that Saffron was wearing, when Mal finds her as a stowaway, but the more I looked at it, the more I wanted to knit one.
Crochet: Scarf
Ever since I was really little snakes have been my favorite critters, and when I started crocheting I realized a snake would make a perfect scarf.