Lindsay Dayton LaShell

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
The second I saw it, I fell in love with Jared Flood’s Wayfarer scarf pattern. After making several, I decided the pattern was subtle enough that a slouchy beanie to match was actually just what I needed.
Knitting: Tee
This top is so comfy and so flattering on a variety of shapes and sizes. It’s also very simple to make!
Knitting: Electronics Cozy
Felted (in this case, technically, it’s fulled) wool is a great fabric for protecting your electronics. It cushions vibration, is highly heat-, cold- and water-resistant, and will keep its shape and appearance much longer than your electronics keep their usefulness.
Knitting: Scarf
The Red Scarf Project is in full effect! Your red scarf must be received by December 15!