Lindsay Dayton LaShell

Lindsay Dayton LaShell

From the moment I learned how to knit nearly fifteen years ago, I have been completely in love with the craft.

There are few other opportunities to create things that are as beautiful as they are useful, and few other pursuits that are so easy to learn but still constantly challenging.

My style is simple and classic, and my patterns are always designed towards simplicity and efficiency.

Feedback, questions and comments are always welcome. Here, or at

original designs

Wayfaring Hat
Lindsay Dayton LaShell's Ravelry Store
Lindsay Dayton LaShell's Ravelry Store
  • Blackie
  • Lindsay Dayton LaShell's Ravelry Store
Shrink to Fit
Lindsay Dayton LaShell's Ravelry Store
Fostering Warmth
Lindsay Dayton LaShell's Ravelry Store